Thursday, July 4, 2013

The 4th

"Saturday in the Park, I Think It Was the 4th of July..."

Well, maybe it isn't Saturday.  
But it is the 4th of July.  And we were in the park.

Took a stroll through Battle Park in Rocky Mount on this hot and sunny Independence Day.  Very pretty park.  
And gloriously Southern.

The Tar River, which was WAY up today after several days of rain.
In fact, the pier was underwater.  We'll have to see that next time.

 In my continued fascination of old cemeteries (I'm a history buff: I'm not creepy), we took a look at those in Battle Park.  We found several that started some good conversations with the kids.

(above) I asked a question that I've never really thought about before:  "If a baby doesn't live long enough to be given a name by his parents, does he get a name in Heaven?  And if so, who gives it to him?"  Anyway...although it's sad to see things like this, it's also quite comforting to know that my God is a God who brings babies to Heaven to live with Him.  In a perfect paradise. :)

(below) We remarked on how many gravestones had been vandalized or destroyed by time in Battle Park.  Ironically, several of them said "Gone but not forgotten."  I reminded my children (and myself) that no matter how hard we work to leave a legacy here on Earth, nothing we do will be remembered in history.  Not our name. Not our good works.  The only thing that counts is what is recorded in Heaven.

And I'm thankful for that.  

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful old park. Also, what a glorious day.Love Kathy and Mike
