Sunday, July 28, 2013

Happy 9th Birthday John!!!

Today was the 9th anniversary of the day God blessed us with us little John!    My little military lover (we jokingly call him G.I. John) asked for a camouflage cake, which was a tough order to fill.  So after scouring the bakeries in Rocky Mount to no avail, I did the best I could making an army tank cake myself using a box mix, Oreos, Twix  bars, and some different colored fondant.  Seemed to do the trick.

John's chose to eat his birthday dinner at the Highway 55 Diner in Rocky Mount because they serve ridiculously large burgers.  John ordered a triple bacon cheeseburger (that's three 1/3 pound burgers).  Plus fries.  
He ate almost all of it!

Next year, John wants to take the "Big A Challenge" at the  Highway 55 Diner:
We’ll stack up almost 50 oz. of meat on a burger bun, with at least four toppings, give you a side of fries and a 24 oz. soft drink. If you can eat it all in 30 minutes or less, then it’s on the house. If you can’t or if you cheat, we’ll happily charge you for it.

John said his favorite gift was actually a camouflage outfit for his camouflage bear (whose name is Alvin York).
Now he and his teddy bear have matching digital camo.

They're doing their best soldier faces in this picture.  :)

John also received a Razor, an electric scooter.
I have no idea how many miles he's going to put on that thing, putting up and down the street.  The mind boggles.

Hard to believe my baby boy is nine years old now!


  1. Hard to believe that John is nine.Looks like he has put on some weight since moving to N.C. Must be that Southern Fried Chicken

    Love Mike and Kathy

  2. Also, you did a great job on the Tank cake!!

  3. Thanks for the compliment about the cake! Cake mix, Twix Bars, Oreos, and a little fondant icing. And yes, you are correct....we're all really enjoying the food here! The vinegar-based bbq and sweet tea are absolutely divine...we'll take you out for a good meal when you come down to see us. I said WHEN, not IF. :) KLB
