Friday, July 5, 2013

Just Another Day At the Beach

I've lived in Rocky Mount 6 weeks, but I still haven't been able to grasp the fact that I live only 2 HOURS from the ocean!!!  For people who have been known to take 2 DAYS to drive to the beach, that's pretty astounding.

 We've had the opportunity twice now to drive over to the ocean for a day trip.  
First we went to Nags Head two weeks ago, when Dad and Mom came to see our new home...

Mom and Anna looking for seashells.

Enjoying ourselves on the newly-constructed pier at Nags Head.
It's made of concrete, so it doesn't creek when you walk on it like regular piers do.
And it's so new it doesn't even smell like fish yet!

And today we visited Atlantic Beach...

See that "No Swimming" flag in the background?  There was a wicked rip current there, and a section of the beach was cut-off from swimming.  Nonetheless, some folks didn't heed the warning.  We witnessed 4 water rescues during the hours we were on the beach.

After leaving the beach, we visited the North Carolina Aquarium in Pine Knoll Shores. 
It was a truly beautiful aquarium, inside and out... 

My home!

The kids were looking at the largest aquarium tank in North Carolina.

That's a giant sandcastle.  Pretty amazing!

"The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea."  
-Isak Dinesen

"The sea hath no king but God alone."  

-Dante Gabriel Rosetti, The White Ship


  1. I'll bet you went 320 feet to the snake exhibit!!!
    LOve Kathy and Mike

  2. You guys know my husband TOO WELL!!!! (And yes, we did.)
    :D Kara

  3. We LOVE the Live Knoll Shores aquarium!!! Glad you all had fun!
