Thursday, July 18, 2013

Braswell Memorial Library

One of my favorite places in Rocky Mount thus far has to be its library.  No offense to the fine folks at the libraries in Cincinnati, but Braswell has hands-down the best children's section I've ever seen.  One day we got to see Dave the Birdman, who did a show at the library. And at the end of July a snake guy is coming with all kinds of snakes, which rumor has it he lets people hold during his show.  Perhaps even 40 year-old pastors.  :)

One of the kids' favorite parts of this library is the super high tech check-out system.
You simply put your books on a table and punch your number in the computer, and it automatically checks-out all your books.

Very Star Trek.

1 comment:

  1. bet that lirary will come in handy when you are home schooling!!!
    Love Kathy and Mike
