Friday, June 28, 2013

Medoc Mountain

 Now that the unpacking is all done and we're settled in, it's time to get out and start exploring our new area.  So on Tim's day off today we headed about 30 miles north of Rocky Mount to Medoc Mountain State Park.
Had a great time! 

Here's what we learned from our first hike since moving to Eastern Carolina:

1.  IT'S BEAUTIFUL to walk through the pine needle-covered paths, which wind aimlessly through the woods here.  There are no steep hills to climb, or treacherous terrain to navigate.  It's just an awesome walk.  And it's cool out in that state park, even on a hot June day like this one was.

 2.  We learned that the woods here are covered with pretty white QUARTZ rocks.  John brought one home as a souvenier.
* Our family sincerely apologizes to the fine officials in the State of North Carolina.  Little did we know that it is ILLEGAL to take a rock out of a state park!  We assure those of you who are powers-that-be in the Parks and Recreation Department that on our next family excursion to Medoc Mountain, we will replace that beautiful Quartz rock EXACTLY where we found it.  Until then, it will make a great keepsake in John's room.  :D
  3.  We learned that you can make lots of NEW FRIENDS hiking in the woods of Medoc Mountain.
Well.... maybe they aren't the kind of friends that you'd want to take home with you.  But they'll sure stick with you faithfully!

 We apparently aren't the only ones struggling with these little "buddies...."  
We saw the sign below at the beginning of a trail.
The best way to show someone you love them is to check them for ticks.  Ha!  
 4.  And finally, we learned that a great way to top-off a good day of hiking in Eastern Carolina is over the really yummy enchiladas at EL TAPATIO on North Wesleyan Avenue.  Oh, wait.  I don't guess enchiladas have anything to do with hiking, do they???


  1. looks like a great day for everyone. glad you got that tick!
    Love Kathy and Mike

  2. Hey Kaffy and Mike!!! It's so good to see you on our blog! We actually had over 20 ticks: can you believe that? The ticks here are very small, about the size of a freckle. They're a bit tough to see, but we're getting the hang of looking-out for them. The woods are VERY pretty here. You'd like it.
    We love you bunches! Kara, Christopher, Anna, John, and Tim
