Thursday, June 21, 2012

Southern Baptist Convention 2012

 Tim and I had the privilege of being messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans last week.

Pastor's Conference, which preceded the convention.  Above, David Jeremiah spoke, and below Jack Graham spoke.  Both were very encouraging for pastors not to give-up their work.
Our convention had close to 8,000 Southern Baptist messengers this year. 

 Hearing Charles Billingsley lead thousands of people in the congregation - as well as the choir onstage - in singing In Christ Alone was probably the closest thing I'll ever know on Earth to hearing an angelic choir sing!
 Below, it was announced that Fred Luter was our new President.  A very long standing ovation ensued.

 Yes.  That is a real alligator.  

 Tim had a nice discussion with Dr. Flannagan, the President of Luther Rice Seminary.  Tim earned the first of his seminary degrees at Luther Rice.
 Below, Paige Patterson and Richard Land had a good conversation.

 Steve Gaines was interviewed by Talk SBC immediately after he spoke on the convention floor in favor of the sinner's prayer.  I greatly appreciated Dr. Gaines' comments.
 Below, Bryant Wright, this year's convention President.  

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