Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cherry Grove Beach, South Carolina

Very few things in life beat a great family vacation.  We just came home from ours, to Cherry Grove Beach in South Carolina.  Here are a few of my favorite photos from the trip...

Nana gave Anna and me matching sun hats.  Anna wanted to wear hers all week, just about everywhere we went!  The favored activity of the week was catching blue crabs and other various sea critters at low tide in the evenings.  We were catch and release people.

If the boys needed a go-to place to catch a crab, they could always find them hanging-out by the poles under the pier.

Tim caught skates and stingrays, and a whole lot of crabs.  Occassionally he would draw a crowd of folks interested in what he was catching.

I told Tim that if we ever ended-up in a Robinson Crusoe situation, I was in good hands!  
He was quite the crabber.

Below...sunset on the North Carolina/South Carolina border.  We walked there every evening.

My favorite part of vacation, below:

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