Friday, May 11, 2012

The Store

I run our children's Wednesday night program at Clough.  As the kids attend church, learn memory verses, bring their Bibles, and bring friends with them, they earn "Clough Cash," which looks very much like Monopoly money.  Then, at the end of the year, we have the "Clough Store," where they can spend their earned dollars on toys and prizes.  This past Wednesday night was the store, and the kids were SO excited!

The prizes range from small erasers and stickers to blow-up and wind-up toys, all the way up to rather pricey goods such as friendship bracelet kits, make-up and nail polish kits, and Beyblades and Slinkies.  I had to laugh...  I was so concerned that there wouldn't be enough "big ticket" items for all the kids.  But as it turned-out, they all seemed to want to spend their Clough Cash on the cheapest items on the table!  The choice purchase of the evening was these pink "shades," which everyone wanted in the color of hot pink.  Who knew?!

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