Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cincinnati Zoo

 I have my so-sweet seven-year-old niece Megan spending the weekend with me, so we decided to take her to the zoo Saturday afternoon.  She had never been to a zoo, so this was a special treat for us!

 My absolute favorite part of the Cincinnati Zoo is Lorikeet Landing, where for $1 you can buy a cup of nectar and feed the birds.  We were there pretty early in the day, when the lorikeets were really hundry, and they practically attacked us for our nectar.  It was so much fun!

 Quote of the day, from Anna:  "Daddy, why do elephants have those giant french fries in their noses?"
 Below, the kids rode the zoo train.  Always a favorite.  
 We all enjoyed watching a polar bear swim.
 Tim's favorite display is always the venemous snake one.  

 We finished our zoo trip at Don Pablo's, where we celebrated Cinco de Mayo.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you all had a great time. Megan was sad the rest of Sunday after I picked her up...she wanted to stay another day. I'm sure she'll be making another trip to Aunt Kara's this summer to visit with her cousins/
