Friday, May 18, 2012

The Height of Geekdom

 When my guys recently mastered Justice League Monopoly, I thought we had found the height of super hero, sci-fi geekness.  I was wrong.  For Christopher's 10th birthday, along came Star Wars Monopoly.  I could not even watch them play because this game was so intricately involved in the plot of those movies, of which I also did not understand when I watched them.

Above... The money does not look like money.  I don't know what that stuff even is.
Below... Instead of buying houses and hotels, you buy little space ships and other little space ships, depending on whether you are on a dark side or a light side.  I'm completely lost.

 This thing has....I kid you not...its own language decoder in the instructions.  Disney Princess is SO much easier to play than this.

I could play Candyland.

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