Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Baby Is Now TEN Years Old

 I still remember the moment the doctor put Christopher in my arms for the first time, and as his little body wiggled and cried I thought, "Oh goodness.... What am I going to do with this?  They can't seriously think I know how to take care of a baby!"  I had never changed a diaper, had never babysat an infant, and knew absolutely nothing about newborns.  By the grace of God, though I figured it out, and my baby celebrated his 10th birthday this week.  

Since I am such a fan of birthday cakes, I think I found what is arguably the greatest birthday cake in the history of the world this year:  a hamburger cake from Servatii's Bakery on Beechmont Avenue.  This thing looked SO realistic!!!  

 Christopher was allowed to choose any restaurant in Cincinnati where he wanted to eat:  Montgomery Inn Ribs, Jeff Ruby Steakhouse, Maggiano's Italian Restaurant.   Wherever he wanted.  Christopher chose...  Chik-Fil-A!
 We also took Christopher and his friend Jake Withrow to Eastgate Adventures for playing putt-putt and doing go-karts.

 Anna Jean's first go-kart ride.  She was hysterical with excitement!!!

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