Monday, November 1, 2010

Beware, Evil Doers!!!

OK. Prepare yourself for the cuteness. These were our Halloween costumes for 2010. We went with the theme of superheroes to indulge Christopher and John's obsession with all things superhero. Anna was a good sport. All evening, she proudly kept announcing, "I'm Batgirl!"

Here we come to save the day!!!
After snapping some pictures in the front yard, we walked over to the church for the annual Trunk-or-Treat party. It's quite a good time for everyone from the youngest to the oldest...

There's plenty to eat at Trunk-or-Treat:
hot dogs, chips, popcorn, cotton candy, and lots and lots of cupcakes.

There are all kinds of carnival games to play inside, as well as a Jupiter Jump outside.

Once kids become teens and are technically too old to participate, they start volunteering to help. Like our friend Scott, below. The teens love dressing-up!

And what do you win at the games? Candy, of course! Lots and lots of candy.
After about an hour and a half of eating and playing games comes the Trunk part. Almost all the adults line their cars up into a line on the parking lot and have a tailgate type of thing where the kids go from car to car and guessed it....MORE candy!

This is Lou Schott, who organized this year's Trunk-or-Treat. He's our Evangelism director, and also a pretty good opthomologist. He's a well-respected doctor in Cincinnati, but an even more respected Christian. We're blessed to have him.
Below are the Bisigs. They're very nice.
Mikki Smith (left) and Kelly Cherry (right).

The kids were taken for hayrides all over the property. That's Christian Campbell driving the four-wheeler. He's studying at Boise College to be a pastor. Riding in the back is his girlfriend, Emily Morgan, who's studying to be a teacher at Northern Kentucky University: she's a great baby-sitter!
Batman was a pretty popular costume this year. This is Christopher with Cumberland College student Abbey Cherry. In case you've noticed, most of the college kids come home for Trunk-or-Treat weekend.

Christopher's friend Noah dressed up as the Joker. Much chasing around and wrestling was done by those two all evening!
This is Christopher's friend Kelsey Caner. She was Hannah Montana.
Cute costume, huh? She made it herself.
Our church is super-psyched for Kelsey's Uncles Ergun and Emir to come preach to us in December. Yee-ha!
This is Anna's little friend Emma Mullen. Believe it or not, Emma is a year older than Anna!
This is our Church Secretary, Faith Mahaffey. She's a newly-wed. That's her husband, Jeff.
And this is our Youth Pastor, Jeff Smith and his wife Mikki. The only thing I look forward to about my kids growing-up and becoming teens is that they get to be in Jeff's youth group.
He does a great job...