Friday, November 19, 2010

What Our Family Is Thankful For This Thanksgiving....

What are we thankful for this year???

My beautiful wife (Tim).

My 3 wonderful children (Tim).

For our church (Tim).

That God sended His only Son, Jesus (John).

That Jesus died on the cross (John and Christopher).

My Mommy, my grandma, my Barbie, Christopher, John (Anna Jean).

For family (Christopher and John).

For Grandma and Grandpa (Christopher).

For Thanksgiving (John).

For Rosco the Dog and Zoe (Anna Jean).

That God allows us to go to Heaven (Christopher).

That soon Satan will die (John).

For Superfriends (Christopher).

For Playstation 2 (John).

That Daddy takes me to the church to play Wii (Christopher).

For baby dolls (Anna).

For fried fish, shrimp, and Sprite (John).

For water (Christopher).

For our smoke detectors (John).

For animals that God allows us to kill and eat (Christopher).

For Fraggle Rock (John).

For Anna (John).

For Jake Withrow, Kelsey Caner, and Kaylee Davis (Christopher).

For Grant Patterson, Cameron Zromski, Gabriel Currington (John).

For Dora the Explora (Anna).

For my wonderful husband who takes such good care of me; that after almost 13 years of marriage, we are still in love and very happy together. I'm thankful for my three amazing children, for our comfortable home and the ability I have to be a stay-at-home mom. I am thankful that during this terrible recession, God has given us more than we need and allowed us to live like we want and need to. I am also thankful that I regularly still get to see my dad and mom, and that I can (almost) cook as good as my mom does. (Kara)