Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

Here are some pictures of our Thanksgiving Day. Christopher and John dressed-up like a pilgrim and an Indian for Thanksgiving: they're pictured here with their Nana and their Uncle Doak.

Here we were at Thanksgiving Dinner. It was yum! My dad, my brother, and my brother's two girls were in Florida, so we didn't have as much family as we usually do. However, the food was wonderful, and those of us who were here had a wonderful time!

This is my oldest brother, Doak, with my Aunt Penny and Uncle Butch.
We were so happy that they came to visit.
In the evening, we went to Tim's family's house.
This is Anna with her "Mamaw," Tim's mom.
Tim's oldest brother, Steve, with his daughter Tessa.
Tessa and John are the same age.
Steve is very nice. He is a preacher, also.

Steve is pictured here with his wife, Tonya.
Here are the boys with Tim's dad, "Papaw."
Anna hung-out with Cousin Tessa. They look a little alike, don't you think?