Friday, October 29, 2010

Why This Site Is Called The Parsonage Family

For those of you who have never been able to come to Cincinnati to visit us, here are some pictures of our family at the parsonage where we live, which is the house owned by the church Tim pastors. We are incredibly blessed to live here....

The church sits at the front of 12 wooded acres of property, and our house sits right behind the church. That leaves us with quite a bit of privacy during the week and on the weekends when we aren't in service. We LOVE our yard!!!!

 This is my absolute favorite spot for pictures in our yard: we're standing infront of our house, facing the church, with the property in the background. The way the sun sets in the evening makes the perfect light for pictures. I must have taken 1000 pictures at this spot during our five years living here!

This is the church, at least the sanctuary part of the building.

This is our backyard, which is fenced, praise the Lord! The yard was not fenced when we moved here, but the Trustees graciously had it done for us because we had a 2-year old and a 7-month old.
This is the back of the church, at least as much as I could get in one shot (the trees blocked my view). This is taken from our front yard. This is what I see during the day. The set-up of the property is a real blessing, because Clough Pike - which sits right infront of the church building - is a pretty busy road. The church shelters us from the traffic, and buffers the noise. So although we live in a busy area and we're quite close to a shopping mall, we have little noise and feel like we're way out in the woods! And besides... it's always handy to have Tim this close when I have a pickle jar that needs opened during the day (ha-ha).
Here are more pictures of our yard.

This is the view from Tim's office of our house. He loves being able to come home and shoot a few baskets between meetings or watch the kids play outside while he's working.

Ya'll come see us sometime!