Monday, October 11, 2010


We're back! For those of you who follow this blog, I've been un-blogged for about 2 weeks. Every time I would attempt to sign-in to the blog, our internet would crash! Turns out that we were out of hard-drive space: 100 gigs doesn't get you as far as it used to, apparently. But thanks to the uber talents of our church's Worship Arts Director - who hooked us up with a shiny, new 500 gig drive - I'm blogged-on again. Thanks soooooo very much Aaron!

As promised, I am updating those of you in Blog-land on Christopher, because I know that some of you haven't seen him in a while. Christopher Alan is now 8 years old and is in the 3rd grade (Mrs. Horsley's class, Milford Christian Academy). He makes super grades, and we are very proud of him. He has a great memory, and his hobbies include playing basketball and video games, running the carpet cleaner and sweeper, and collecting Super Friends (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc.). When Christopher grows-up, he wants to be either a chef, an architect, a janitor, or a missionary. That's today: tomorrow it will change again. Christopher looks forward to being Batman for Halloween.

He's our little Cub Scout now!
Here are some of my favorite Christopher pictures since he turned 8 in May...

The first day of the 3rd grade.

This was one of our absolute happiest times as parents, when Christopher received the "Christian Character Award" at the end of the 2nd grade. That award is given to the student in each grade who exhibits the most Christ-likeness during the year. That was his wonderful teacher, Ms. Schoettle, giving him the award infront of the school.
Christopher LOVES to work word search puzzles!
He does them in bed every night before he goes to sleep.
Everyone has told me ever since Christopher was a baby that he looks just exactly like Mommy. What do you think????