Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Downtown Disney

 On the night we arrived at Orlando, we took a boat from our hotel (Port Orleans Riverside) to Downtown Disney, which is an area of dining and shopping within Disney World. 

 I was surprised by how excited my family got over Downtown Disney.  Their favorite spot? World of Disney, which is a hyped-up store full of ways for children to find a souvenir from the trip...

 Anna's favorite part of World of Disney was the "Magic Mirror."  If a little girl stood infront of it, the mirror would look like she was dressed-up in different princess dresses...

 Each child got to pick-out a pair of Mickey Ears at World of Disney.  Christopher had a great time trying-on hats and ears...

And since the boys are so very into Legos, we visited the Lego store in Downtown Disney.  They had some cool Lego sculptures, which to my surprise were completely touchable, instead of enclosed in glass.

And yes, this outdoor display below was made entirely out of Legos.
The boys also got a kick out of watching the Volcano erupt at Rainforest Cafe.  If you were standing at all near that restaurant at the eruption, it got WARM!
Christopher and John are crazy about all things Star Wars.  John's souvenirs included a Star Wars gun, and Christopher chose the "Make Your Own Light Saber," which he did with his dad.  They had a great time...and a little help from John.

1 comment:

  1. Tell Christopher that I love all his hat choices! Ha! We love to do that too. You can never have too many silly hat pictures! So glad everyone enjoyed DTD. It is a fun place, especially at night.

