Saturday, February 8, 2014

Dancing With Cinderella

Our family just got home from a wonderful vacation to Florida, which included 3 days at Disney World.  This was the 1st-ever trip to Disney World for Tim or the kids (I went there one day when I was a little girl).  

What an adventure we had!

  In the coming days I'll be posting plenty of pictures of our delightful trip.  My 1st blog post is dedicated to one of my very favorite parts of the trip: the princesses.  You can't imagine the thrill on the face of a 6-year old girl who is crazy about Disney princesses when she sees those princesses come to life in full make-up, detailed costume, and even voice!  

Well...actually you don't have to imagine it.  
Because I had a video going when Anna saw her 1st princess 
at the Enchanted Tales with Belle show in the Magic Kingdom.  :)
This trip was to celebrate my 40th birthday, so Disney gave me a big button to wear that said it was my birthday.  Listen carefully and you'll hear Belle wish me a happy birthday when she goes by!

But the best way to meet princesses was at the princess breakfast in Epcot.  The princesses came from table to table to talk to the girls and pose for pictures.  What a sweet memory this will be for Anna someday!

Snow White was the most authentic, even down to her high-pitched voice:

Ariel was the quietest.  I think she was going for that "the sea witch stole my voice" thing:

The funniest princess - by no fault of her own - was Aurora
(a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty).  
Background story: A Deacon at our church promised John - who hates anything princessy - that if John was nice to the princesses at Disney World, then John could come over to Said Deacon's house one day after the trip and shoot guns.  So to our shock, John jumped-up when Aurora came over and did this...which John later told us was video proof for Said Deacon that John was "nice" to the princesses  Ha!

But the sweetest princess was Cinderella.
(She, too, wished me a happy birthday!)  
I have a feeling this one's gonna end-up in a wedding video someday...

Seeing Anna get to be a princess for a day or two reminded me of a bittersweet song...

I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone...

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