Sunday, September 15, 2013


 What a joy it was for our family last week to get to spend some time with our dear friend and former Minister of Music, Aaron Smith!  There is certainly a special connection between people who love their Savior and the person who leads them into worship with that Savior each Sunday.  For 8 years, Aaron's songs helped me rejoice when things were going well, and cry infront of the Lord when they weren't.  The Barnettes feel so blessed to call Reverend Smith our friend, and a few, pesky little states will certainly not get in the way of such a friendship we have!  We look forward to seeing you again very, very soon, Aaron....

I have about a thousand favorite songs that Aaron sings: "Behold the Throne of God Above," "Standing on the Promises," "Hallelujah, What A Savior," "How Good and Pleasant," and on and on.  But this one was always one that reminds me of Aaron the best.  Aaron's songs can be found on Twitter under #BigASongOfTheDay, and he writes a great blog at  Visit. Worship. Enjoy.