Thursday, September 26, 2013

5. Learning to Skim

While we were on vacation, Christopher dove into this teenage boy beach phenomenon known as skimboarding.  He spent quite a bit of his beach time learning to ride that thin little piece of wood across the shallow water.  NOT an easy feat!

To ride a skimboard:
1. Wax down your board with the same wax surfers use...
2.  Wait for just the right amount of water...
3.  Throw the skimboard out infront of you.  Run to catch it...
4.  Jump on it...
5.  Try not to fall!
6.  Fall.

After you've skimmed a few times, it looks a little bit like this:

And for the viewing pleasure of those in our congregation checking-out this post, I must include a video of my husband, your pastor.... skimboarding.  Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Don't know what is better? the food or the beach time? or all the things to find at the beach. looks like fun on all counts.
    Love you all
