Thursday, March 22, 2012


Sniff, sniff.... My little Anna is now registered for kindergarten in the fall. The only bright spot I have is that if she goes to MCA, her teacher will be Miss Elizabeth Baker, arguably the greatest kindergarten teacher on Earth! I know, because Miss Baker was John's kindergarten teacher. Isn't it great when you see someone in action who is doing a job everyday that they were called to do? Here's a picture of the night we registered.

I love Miss Baker's room...Below is a painted mural that hangs behind Miss Baker's desk. Those are the handprints of all her first-year teaching students, including our little John: bottom green. John was privledged to be one of Miss Baker's first students.

While at school that evening, we also enjoyed the Science Fair, in which both boys participated.

Below is John's report about flowers. He did an experiment where he put carnations in colored water and saw how the petal colors changed to match the food coloring.

Christopher's class did diagrams of the solar system.

Christopher poses, below, with friend Matthew Finley.

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