Wednesday, March 28, 2012

CPBC Easter Egg Hunt 2012

Last Sunday, Clough had its annual Easter egg hunt on the church property. Not only is this always a really fun event for our church kids, but it proves to be a big outreach for unchurched children. As usual, we had numerous guest families with us at church Sunday morning for the event. As you watch these videos, watch how unbelievably quickly the elementary-aged kids picked-up all the eggs; and watch how the babies and pre-schoolers try to weave around all the parents and grandparents taking pictures! As an extra laugh, notice that my daughter (blue dress, yellow ribbon in the middle) will ONLY pick-up pink or purple eggs. How girly is that?!
1648 candy/prize-filled eggs. 50+ children.
How can that not be a great memory???

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