Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy 40th Anniversary Mom and Dad!!!

Today is my parents' 40th (ruby) wedding anniversary: how great is that!? On August 17th of 1971, they married each other in Virginia (and if I can get a copy of that wedding picture, I'll put it on my blog, too: it's groovy). Mom and Dad came-up to see us last weekend, and we surprised them with a small little celebration.

We got them 2 cakes from a Cincinnati bakery called The Bonbonerie: a lemon torte and a chocolate opera creme cake. Those cakes were SO rich! And yes, I made my parents feed each other cake and pose for pictures...

We gave my parents some small gifts and cards to remember the occassion. We sure hope they had a good time!

We love you Mom and Dad!!!

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