Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Class of 2015

Do you want to feel old? Here are a few interesting facts about the new college freshman class, The Class of 2015:

  • Ferris Bueller and Sloane Peterson could be their parents.

  • States have required for their entire lives that they wear bike helmets.

  • The only significant labor disputes in their lifetimes have been in major league sports.

  • They have never known life without cell phones or the internet.

  • The expression "Don't touch that dial" doesn't make sense to them: their televisions have never had a dial.

  • Amazon has never been just a river in South America to them.

  • Refer to LBJ, and they'll assume you're talking about LeBron James.

  • Whitney Houston was singing "I'll Always Love You" before they were born.

  • We have never asked, and they have never had to tell.
Courtesy of Beloit College.

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