Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lessons in Water Skiing, by Kara Barnette

Friday evening, Jeff and Faith Mahaffey took us out on their boat on the Ohio River. It was awesome! Tim and I had both learned to water ski about 12 years ago, and we were sure we could get right back up and do it again.

We were wrong.

Let me illustrate for you now how NOT to water ski:

Now Jeff will illustrate for you....on one ski, no you actually water ski:

I haven't decided what to blame it on: a broken wrist 6 years ago, having had 3 babies since the last time I skiied (which I will say threw-off my equilibrium), or the fact that my little feet kept slipping out of the skiis. They all sound like such good excuses. But make no mistake about it. I can't water ski!


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