Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Morning at Our House....

Could there be anything better than an 8-year old, 6-year old, and 3-year old
on Christmas morning???
I don't think so!

Topping the boys' Christmas lists to Santa this year were lots of action figures (Marvel and DC Comics, i.e., Superman, Batman, WonderWoman, etc.). Boy, did Santa deliver! He left most of the superhero stuff unwrapped so that John and Christopher could see them first thing on Christmas morning.

The boys were pretty stoked to receive a real Batcave! Unfortunately, Santa didn't take the time to assemble it before he left: Daddy is still trying to put all the little pieces of that thing together!

Christopher REALLY wanted a Hall of Justice. Unfortunately, Daddy and I had never been able to find one in any stores. But Santa delivered! How did he find that thing? Perhaps his elves shopped Ebay????
As a little tidbit of SuperFriends history, did you know that the Hall of Justice was an exact replica of the Cincinnati Union Station, which later became the Cincinnati Museum Center? Pretty cool for those of us who live here.

Anna Jean asked Santa for a baby that sucks a real bottle. She was so excited when she found one under the tree. Her baby also had changes of clothes, baby doll diapers, extra bottles, and a feeding set.

Our Christmas Day is a little different than other folks'. Since we visited our families the week before Christmas, Christmas Day is a total stay-at-home and relax day for us. We stay in pajamas all day and play!