Monday, December 6, 2010

Live Nativity

Here are some of our favorite pictures from Live Nativity 2010...

Anna LOVED the live animals at Live Nativity. She pet the sheep and donkeys both nights.

Each night, members of our congregation dressed in costumes and sang Christmas carols around the bonfire. It was very heart-warming. And trust me: anything warming at that point was welcomed! Actually, all the participants in live nativity - including misc. folks who just mingled in the crowd - dressed in Bible costumes and resembled Bethlehemites."

There was just enough snow to make the nativity seem Christmassy this year!

That is a mommy donkey in the back with her baby donkey in the front.
Very appropriate for Christmas, don't you think?

The best spot of the evening is always the cookie/hot chocolate barn. There were TONS of cookies and sweets, and the hot chocolate was steaming hot.
I told Kay Gilliland (left), Kitchen Committee Director, that she looked like a nun.
I'm not sure she appreciated my sense of humor...

(below) Joseph and two of his shepherds had to baby-sit while Mary made a hot chocolate run during an absence of guests. Somehow I'm doubting that this actually happened in real life!

(below) This is Daryl and Valeria Bisig. They're married.
Like everyone else, they had layers and layers of clothes on under those costumes!
"Friends, Romans, Countrymen!"
This is Jeff Mahaffey (left) and Darryl Gilliland (right). They greeted everyone as they came in from the parking lot by declaring there was a census, and that everyone had to register.

This is Scott. He's one of the teenagers who read the Bible story while everyone watched the nativity.
In case you're wondering why Christopher was not in my nativity pictures, Christopher hung-out at the hot chocolate spigot all evening sucking down hot chocolate: it was COLD!