Monday, March 9, 2015

Welcome Spring

Saturday was our first time really being outside in the fresh air this year.  Being a four-seasons kind of gal, I find that there is always something to look forward to: the first snowfall, the first bonfire in autumn, the first time baring your pasty-white legs in shorts in the summer, and yes...the first walk in the spring!  The five of us enjoyed a stroll through the Wilkerson Nature Preserve and around Falls Lake, both of which are in Raleigh.  

I have to hand it to Raleigh for having the foresight and wherewithall to partition the Wilkerson Nature Preserve, 157-acres of land right in the middle of some of the most expensive real estate in the vicinity.  Tempting though I am sure it would be for developers to build on that land, its preservation will make the area more enjoyable and liveable for those in the Raleigh/Wake Forest area.
The beautiful Carolina sky.  Its hew looks something between a UNC blue and a Duke blue, depending upon which team one roots... ;)
And on our walk we heard spring peepers.  
So it's official.  
It's spring.

1 comment:

  1. boy I sure would like to see some blue skies up here in Ohio!
