Monday, March 23, 2015

Passover Seder

Our church tremendously enjoyed an explanation and demonstration of Passover last night by our Messianic-Jewish church planters, Howard and Melissa Taylor.  Howard and Melissa have planted Messianic-Jewish synagogues in Nags Head, Greenville, Ahoskie, and at our church here in Rocky Mount.  Howard himself is Jewish but is now a Christian.

For those unfamiliar with the concept...a Messianic Jew is someone who practiced Judaism but who has accepted Christ as Messiah.  Because the traditions of Jewish culture differ greatly from those of Protestants, Messianic Jews often struggle to assimilate comfortably into Protestant churches.   Howard and Melissa plant churches that serve newly-saved Jews by offering them the same formality of worship, music, and practices of the Jewish synagogue BUT that teach the New Testament and salvation through Christ.  These church plants also target Jews for evangelism and have the opportunity to lead Jews to Christ.

At the end of their demonstration, Howard and Melissa offered those interested in the opportunity to taste Passover foods such as horseradish and bitter herbs.


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