Sunday, March 15, 2015

Goose Creek State Park

This week we made a little field trip to the Goose Creek State Park in Washington, North Carolina.  What a beautiful state park!  The "creek" is actually a waterway that looks much larger than many rivers we've seen.  And there are plenty of hiking/walking trails that wander through the pine forests...
So here's what we saw at the state park:
 GIANT TADPOLES, some about the size of a human hand

(this one was about 14" long)

With all this exciting wildlife to see, Tim couldn't possibly be expected to stay on the safe and lovely boardwalk that was provided by the park service.  Nope, he had to venture off here and there to see what he could find...

And in the visitor's center, Anna gave a bear a....bear hug.  :)

There were lots of stuffed animals to investigate in the visitor's center, many of which having been captured within the park.  I would recommend the Goose Creek State Park to anyone in the area who loves nature as my family does.

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