Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Pocosin Lakes

On our way to Manteo to see The Lost Colony play, we stopped by the Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Reserve.  I would highly recommend Pocosin Lakes if you're interested in checking-out their visitors' center, wanting to stretch your legs by meandoring out the 3/4 mile boardwalk, or just looking for an always-clean restroom.  (You know you're a mom when clean restrooms top your list of priorities.)

Delivering as wildlife refuges always do, the Scuppernong River Boardwalk produced for us countless friendly dragonflies, sunbathing turtles, happy little frogs, and even a camera-shy water mocassin. 

  And there were lots of cat-tails, which Christopher jokingly calls "chocolate hot dogs."  Ha!

Anna's interest in Pocosin Lakes had more to do with finding wildflowers than finding wildlife.  As always, she was out to capture and breathe-in the sweet aroma of fresh flowers, which she loves so much.  A word of wisdom to Anna's future suitors:  the way to that girl's heart is through her nose, so be ready to woo her with flowers someday.  A good florist will be your friend.  ;)

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