Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Going Coastal

Tim has been working like a busy bee this summer, but once his schedule loosened-up we were able to take a day and head to the Outer Banks.  The Lord provided a GLORIOUS day at Nags Head for us.  We had been a bit worried that Tropical Storm Arthur - who is circulating in the Atlantic - might rain on our day at the beach.  But the sun was shining, the air was warm, and the water was the perfect temperature for playing.  (I don't know the exact temperature, but the kids and I remarked that it felt very much like Mike and Kathy Geers' swimming pool. :D)

Even without Arthur stirring things up too much, the boys were reminded that the surf and the undertow at the Outer Banks can be a bit unforgiving.  Exhibit A:

Christopher decided to use the beach to spread a little love.  He advertised this message in the sand: 
"Know, Serve, Share JESUS." (Oakdale Baptist Church's slogan.) 

Proud Mama.

So after a beautiful afternoon together enjoying the sand and the surf, fighting waves and rubbing in sunscreen (completed by partaking of yummy hamburgers and endless Coke refills at Big Al's Diner in Manteo), life felt a whole lot more happy and a whole lot less hectic.  Whew.

Sometimes you just gotta go a little coastal.


1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful day to be at the beach. Was the water almost 90 degrees. that is what the pool water temp is.
