Saturday, January 4, 2014

Welcome Baby Kara!

One of the greatest honors of my whole life was when my dear friend Alison gave her daughter my name...   I have known Alison, her husband AJ, and Alison's parents Tim and Diana for a very long time.  Tim and I have the absolute highest respect for their family and are so blessed to call them our friends. 

In recent weeks, Tim and I have had the pleasure of spending some time with AJ and Alison and the baby.  That has been SO COOL!!!   Baby Kara is (and I'm not the least bit partial because she's my namesake) so sweet and beautiful, and always happy.  And knowing her parents and grandparents so well, I'm quite sure she'll grow-up to be Godly, intelligent, and talented. :D

So thank you Alison and AJ for the thrill and privilege of sharing a part of your precious daughter's life.  And welcome to the world Baby Kara!  Remember that Big Kara loves you and is always thinking of you and praying great and wonderful things for you!  XOXO

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful baby girl!! Was that her first shopping experience? I know that she was at cracker barrel.
