Wednesday, January 22, 2014

When Snow Comes to the South

Having just spent eight years in the North, where snow is part of the everyday from December through sometimes even April, our family has long-since stopped thinking of wintry weather as exciting or as some kind of a treat.  It became commonplace for us to put the car in 4-wheel drive on an icy commute to school, to leave faucets dripping at night so pipes wouldn't freeze, and to not bat an eye at forecasts of half a foot of snow. Tim became quite a master at the hand flick you use to sprinkle salt on a frozen sidewalk.

But  then we moved to Eastern North Carolina.

We don't see much of the white stuff down here.  Rocky Mount has on average 50 more days of sun each year than Cincinnati, and what is commonplace in this neck of the woods is grilling-out and taking long walks and making day-trips to the beach.  So when 1-2" of snow was predicted Tim and I were startled to witness store shelves empty of the their milk and bread, and closings and delays come flooding in.  The Rocky Mount Telegram tweeted, "The Snow is Coming! The Snow Is Coming!"

The idea of snow is certainly a much bigger deal in Rocky Mount than what we're used to.  And I must admit that even though I've seen my share of big snows in recent years - even a few blizzards - I, too found myself getting a little tingly over that inch or two that fell overnight.  Realizing this is not something that happens all the time, I ran to the window to watch flakes fall from the sky and dragged drowsy children out of bed so they could watch, too.  We were excited enough in the morning to call a good, old-fashioned 2-hour delay from starting homeschool so the kids could run and play and throw snowballs at each well as the poor dog, who was a good sport. 

 Perhaps it just takes stepping out of the familiar 
to appreciate the familiar. 

 And perhaps one of God's richest gifts is to let us pick-up and start over and see everything new once again. 

"A snow day literally and figuratively falls from the sky, unbidden, and seems like a thing of wonder." 
-Susan Orlean

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Sweet 16

On January 10th, 1998, Tim and I started our family.  
Happy 16th Anniversary to us!
This year's anniversary celebration was pretty quiet.  We gave the house a good cleaning (boring but necessary) and then headed for a new restaurant around the corner called Lou Reda's. We were in for quite a treat for dinner...  Lou Reda's is now one of my favorite restaurants.  We even got to meet Lou himself, who came-out of the kitchen to say hi.  I would recommend Lou Reda's to anyone looking for a nice sit-down establishment in Rocky Mount.  Reasonable prices, good service, and great food.  
So I got the crispy balsalmic glazed pork belly, sweet potato fries, a house salad, and truffle mac and cheese. YUM. YUM. YUM. and YUM.  I had heard of pork belly on cooking shows, and it is apparently just a fancy kind of really thick, smoky bacon.  And I would love to learn to make my sweet potato fries that good: not too much salt or pepper, and crispy and sweet.  As for the mac and can you go wrong with truffle-oil in your mac and cheese?!  I would put Lou Reda's mac and cheese up against Jeff Ruby's in Cincinnati any day, and that's really saying something.

As for Tim, my non-foodie, meat and potato-loving husband... he got a steak and baked potato.  :)

Well, it wasn't the most romantic anniversary dinner.
We had a little company.  LOL.  
(We missed you Mike and Kathy, our go-to babysitters!!!)

But even though Tim and I didn't have a date for this anniversary, we always enjoy the ability to spend time with the children.  We did have to get tickled at John, who insisted on wearing his blazer to dinner in honor of our anniversary.  And Anna Jean, who was relieved to discover when dinner was served that her "Kids' Fingers" were made out of chicken, not kids.  :D
Looking forward to sixteen more years of anniversaries with the best husband ever!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Welcome Baby Kara!

One of the greatest honors of my whole life was when my dear friend Alison gave her daughter my name...   I have known Alison, her husband AJ, and Alison's parents Tim and Diana for a very long time.  Tim and I have the absolute highest respect for their family and are so blessed to call them our friends. 

In recent weeks, Tim and I have had the pleasure of spending some time with AJ and Alison and the baby.  That has been SO COOL!!!   Baby Kara is (and I'm not the least bit partial because she's my namesake) so sweet and beautiful, and always happy.  And knowing her parents and grandparents so well, I'm quite sure she'll grow-up to be Godly, intelligent, and talented. :D

So thank you Alison and AJ for the thrill and privilege of sharing a part of your precious daughter's life.  And welcome to the world Baby Kara!  Remember that Big Kara loves you and is always thinking of you and praying great and wonderful things for you!  XOXO

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy 50th Anniversary

50 years ago today my mother-in-law and father-in-law married.  Their family and church family honored them this past Sunday with a reception after worship service...

My favorite moment: when they toasted with their cake and Pepsi.
Having never had a wedding cake, that was extra special.  :)

Mr. and Mrs. Barnette with their four children:  Stephen, Tim (my personal favorite), Stephanie, and Paul...
...and with their 10 grandchildren: Elizabeth, Lydia, Andrew, Bekah, Rachel, Tessa, Kaylee, Anna, John, and Christopher.
Kudos to my sister-in-law Stephanie for making such a beautiful cake.

Mary Lou and Desper.  Desper worked with my grandfather, they were neighbors with my parents, and are friends with my in-laws.  Now THAT is when you know you're in your hometown!

Adele and Lisa Thumm.  Adele was in our youth group when Tim was a youth pastor and we were newlyweds.  She has grown-up to be a beautiful and lovely young woman.  
My in-laws' pastor:  Pastor Tim.   (That's a good name!)
Our sister-in-law Tonya.
Tim and Cousin Clydean.
Our nieces Lydia...

...and Kaylee...
...and Elizabeth, who is a student at WVU.
(Man, I'm getting old!  When Tim and I started dating, Elizabeth was in diapers!)

Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Barnette!  I sincerely thank you for raising such a Godly, responsible, and loving son who is a terrific husband to me and a tremendous father to my children.  May the coming years be even sweeter for you both than the ones that have come thus far...