Monday, October 7, 2013

Strike with the Hand, Strike with the Foot

The boys were missing taking karate lessons like they did in Cincinnati, so we signed them up for some here in Rocky Mount.  And this time Little Sister wanted to tag along, so we signed her up, too.  I can't imagine anyone being hurt by Anna, unless they are just cuted to death by a 6 year old girl trying to look tough...

In Cincinnati, the martial arts the boys did was Ju Jitsu, which is Japanese.  Now they're all doing Tae Kwon Do, which is Korean.  Tae Kwon Do 跆拳道  means "Strike with the hand, strike with the foot." 

One of Anna's instructors signed her broken boards for her.

Daddy likes to believe she'll use her martial arts to beat the boys away when she's a teenager.  :D
Tear 'em up, Anna Jean!

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