Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday Anna!  
According to the birthday girl, this was...and I quote...
"The Best Birfday Ever!!!"
Her cake this year was a giant lollipop,
 the kind like we always get when we're on vacation.

There were presents to open from Mama and Daddy...

...and shopping to do to spend Nana and Mamaw's birthday money!
We spent ONE HOUR in the Barbie/Disney princess aisles at Target
until Anna had decided what she wanted.
Yep. Miss Anna gets her indecisiveness from her mother.  :D

Anna was allowed to pick any restaurant in Rocky Mount, Tarboro, or Raleigh
that she wanted for a special birthday dinner.  "I know EXACTLY where to go," she said....
(Thanks for the gift card, Kathy and Mike!)
And my favorite picture of Anna for her birthday this year is with her new Cracker Barrel doll.  I didn't even realize I took it right infront of her hospital baby picture!  
It's hard to believe how quickly six years can fly...

1 comment:

  1. so glad Anna Jean had a great Birfday! We love you all!!
