Monday, August 26, 2013

I got a bike this summer so I could start riding with my kids.

My bike...
 Barbie's bike...

Is she copying me?  
How funny is that?!


  1. Ha! I'll let you borrow my chihuahua for your basket so you can complete the "glam bike" look! You're on your own with the sequin mini skirt though!


  2. we know that you will look great on that bike.... does GI Joe have a bike that Tim could get......

    Kathy and Mike

  3. HH - I will gladly take your sweet Chihuahua for a bike ride in my basket anytime it wants to go; however, I'm probably WAY too old for a "mini" "sequin" anything! Ha!

    Kathy and Mike - Me on my hot pink bike and Tim on a camo bike. Now THAT would be a sight. :D
