Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fourteen years ago, I was on my honeymoon in Key West, Florida. It was a glorious week, and someday Tim and I hope to travel there again to re-live that vacation. The morning after our wedding was the first time either of us had ever flown...can you believe that?! And when we stepped off that plane in January and felt the warm, tropical sunshine, we really believed we were in Heaven!

But as wonderful as that time was during my first days as a bride, though, there were a few things I had yet to learn about marriage...

  • I didn't know that the moments when I would love Tim the most would NOT be when he was standing infront of the church in his tuxedo, or when he proposed to me. It would be when he stayed-up all night with a sick one year old while I slept; when he rubbed my swollen feet for an hour when I was 9 months pregnant, or when he would get up half an hour earlier than the rest of us every single morning to pray for our family.

  • I didn't know that the funnest times in my life would not be when I was young and stayed out late with my friends. It would be Friday nights, cuddled up on our couch, in our humble little apartment or house, watching a movie together that we rented form the library.

  • I didn't know that I was about to leave that honeymoon and come home to feed Tim some of the worst cooking that has ever touched human tastebuds! Or that he would smile and suffer through many really bad dinners until I learned to be - if I may say so myself - a pretty good cook.

  • I didn't know that Tim would be such an amazing father.

  • I didn't know how gruelingly hard it would be to be a preacher's wife. Or joyful. Or rewarding. Or worth it.

  • I didn't know that you would know someone so well that you could finish each other's sentences, or know each other's thoughts without them ever being uttered.

  • I didn't know how easy it would be to joyfully follow someone anywhere in the whole world, because you have such trust and faith in them after watching them prove themselves year after year. And to know that even if you picked up and moved to the other end of the Earth, you would still feel just as at home because of who was with you.

  • I didn't know that after fourteen years, I still would never tire of having my husband with me as long as he could be there.

  • I didn't know that the 10,000th kiss would be even better than the first one.

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