Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Cincinnati Ballet performs The Nutcracker

It had always been a dream of mine to see The Nutcracker performed in person. I LOVE The Nutcracker music, and I listen to it not only at Christmas but all year long. We had talked about going to see it downtown in years past, but the tickets were so very expensive, and we weren't even sure that Anna could sit through it. We decided that this was the year, and we bought our tickets all the way back in September for Opening Night, praying that no one would get sick, nor would our schedules change. Sure enough, we made it tonight! The performance was amazing, all the way from start to finish! The kids were able to meet some of the real ballerinas outside in the lobby before the show began.

By the way, we did not make John dress-up in a suit and tie. He wanted to. Said he "wanted to look like Daddy."

I had expected Anna Jean to fall in love with the ballet, which she did. However, I expected the boys to lose interest in it, if not fall asleep. I was shocked by how enamored they were! John was the one who REALLY loved it, probably more than the other two. He was so excited about it that he even sweet talked me into buying a souvenier nutcracker that the ballet was selling in the lobby. He was so excited about that little nutcracker that we bought during intermission (which Tim affectionately calls "halftime") that John held it all the way through the second half. Feels good to be a mom at times like this.

My husband has the most uncanny ability to name any commercial that the music of The Nutcracker has been featured in. So as we sat through the ballet, Tim would occassionally lean over and whisper "Smurfberry Crunch Cereal." "The Lexus End of Year Clearance Sale." "Friskies Catfood." etc. You think you know someone after 14 years of marriage, but I apparently haven't even scratched the surface of my husband's talents!

By the way.... Want to know if your husband loves you??? Ask him to miss the FoxNews Republican Presidential debate to go to opening night of the ballet. And watch him do it joyfully. Thanks, Honey.

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