Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Basket Saturday

My favorite ministry ever? Unquestionably, managing the food pantry at my church. And today is the equivalent of Super Bowl Sunday for my pantry: it's Christmas basket delivery day. We have spent months collecting and organizing food with the intentions of distributing it to needy families in the area on the Saturday before Christmas (we did it on the 17th this year because we didn't want to attempt to deliver on Christmas Eve). This year our church put-out a record-breaking 40 boxes of food!!! Praise the Lord!

Included in every box:

1 New Testament with the Plan of Salvation included

1 loaf of bread

1 half-gallon of milk

1 pounds of margerine

1 box of cereal

1 jar of applesauce

1 box of mashed potatoes

2 packages of gravy

2 cans of raviolli or spaghettios

2 cans of peas

2 cans of corn

2 cans of green beans

1 jar of jelly

1 jar of peanut butter

2 cans of some type of fruit

1 jar of spaghetti sauce

1 package of spaghetti noodles

2 1-pound canned hams

1 can of chicken

1 box of Chicken Helper

1 box of stuffing

5 boxes of macaroni and cheese

1 box of Bisquick

1 container of syrup

Thanks for everyone who helped-out this year!

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