Wednesday, June 29, 2011


We hit the zoo Friday. Much fun. I especially appreciated this black bear posing so nicely on his wood stump for my picture. I couldn't have posed him better myself!

One of the coolest parts of the zoo is how the peacocks roam freely, as shown above.

FYI: peacocks love french fries.

Our kids' favorite part of the day??? Seeing the Dora and Diego 4-D movie. Ok, so it has very little to do with the zoo; however, it was the first time any of the kids had ever seen a 3-D (much less 4-D) movie. They almost lost their little minds in that 15 minutes movie!

The Cincinnati Zoo has, by far, the coolest carousel on Earth. While other carousels simply have horses, this one has all kinds of different animals, including the shark (above) that John is riding. (above) Christopher and I often get told we look alike. What do you think???

(above) This was all fun and games taking this picture. However, right before we took this picture, a little boy actually got his head stuck in the alligator doing what John is doing here!

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