Wednesday, June 22, 2011

God was good in our flood!

On Tuesday afternoon, it began to rain. It rained and it rained and it rained. What was supposed to be "passing showers" turned into 4 inches of rain in 2 hours, an 85-year record of waterfall in Cincinnati. We watched the water rise quickly out of the creek, and began gathering our belongings (family pictures, home movies, computers, etc.). We stuck what we could in the cars, and put other stuff ontop of tables - we have no 2nd story. Simulataneously, the 1st floor of the church was being flooded, so Tim had to help Joe Wilmers and Tom Ratliff spare what they could. In the chaos, I was a little too busy during the peak of the rain to grab any pictures, but I did snap a few while the water was coming-up. In the end, God was incredibly merciful to our house: although the water came within inches of flooding us, the rain stopped, the water receeded, and not a drop came inside. What a mighty God we serve!!!!

(above) This was the view from our bedoorm window. Of great concern to us was keeping an eye on the children: that water might look still in the picture, but it was rushing.
The water kept coming.......and coming.

The church suffered minimal damage from the water that encompassed the back of the building; however, Joe Wilmer stopped by and came-up with the idea of putting sand in garbage bags and creating sandbags to stop-up the doors. It worked joyously! While outside the building, water up to the mens' knees pushed against the building, only about an inch came inside. Praise the Lord!

Here's some of the inside damage. Wherever the floor looks shiny, that's water.

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