Sunday, October 18, 2015

Grandfather Mountain

What a blast!  Our family trekked to Grandfather Mountain this week so we could cross the famous mile-high swing bridge.  And yee ha...we all got-up our nerve to cross it!  The wind was SO fierce that it practically blew us off our feet, but thankfully we all stayed on the mountain...

 The view from the top of Grandfather Mountain is spectacular, especially during peak week for leaves like when we were there...
After you cross the bridge, there are rocks you can climb to the end of the mountain.  The wind was so intense that I got a little "seasick" and couldn't go out there.  But Tim and the kids went...

 Here are John and Christopher holding-up a bolder.  We crack ourselves up.  :)

 Of course, no Barnette family adventure would be complete without a good hike.  And WOW!  Did we find one!  We hiked the Nuwati Trail, which culminated by climbing to the top of Storyteller Rock.  What a view!



  1. what beautiful color in the trees. so glad you all had a wonderful day together.

    1. Thanks Mike and Kathy! I love fall leaves. I missed them so much when we were in Eastern NC: over there are only pine trees and the landscape never changes. We love and miss you!!!
