Sunday, October 25, 2015

Crowders Mountain State Park

Continuing our string of daytrips exploring our area during this phenomenal autumn weather, this week we headed to Crowders Mountain State Park in nearby Gastonia, North Carolina.  Wow!  What a view!  The two-mile hike to the peak of the top of the Pinnacle Trail is grueling.  But when you make it to the peak, you make an audible gasp about the million-dollar view.  
In the above picture, Christopher was actually standing at the edge of a 150-foot drop: that's 15 stories straight down.  But don't worry!  Christopher was safe.  The shade you see in the corner belongs to Tim, who was standing nearby for safety.  And Christopher actually had about 6-8 feet of space between himself and the edge of the cliff.  Christopher - who has recently become a teenage boy - loved having this picture to show his buddies. :)

(Some folks such as those below didn't stay such a safe distance from the cliff.  Especially un-nerving to us was the guy in the white shirt who sat on the edge of the rock and hung his feet over the end while he ate lunch!)

 They say you can see 25 miles on Crowders Mountain, but ours was a really clear day and we could see much farther...


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