Sunday, August 9, 2015

Tim and the kids and I had such a nice visit to West Virginia the last few days.  It's amazing to me how much love can be packed into 48 hours! 
On Friday morning we drove to Jackson, Ohio - which is exactly halfway between Cincinnati and Charleston, WV - so we could have breakfast with our very good friends Mike and Kathy Geers.  We hadn't seen't the Geers since we left their church over 2 years ago... and their hugs sure felt sweet!

 At Mom and Dad's house, John and Anna got an extra birthday celebration!  Our trip fell in the two weeks between John's 11th birthday and Anna's 8th brthday.
And of course, a trip to WV wouldn't be the same without the kids being able to hang-out with always-cool Cousin Megan.  This time the quartet engaged in an intense game of cornhole, complements of Nana.  Fun times.

1 comment:

  1. We had a wonderful time seeing you all. can't believe the boys are almost as tall as me.... and they all are as sweet as ever....
