Thursday, July 30, 2015

Happy 11th Birthday John!

 John turned "the big one-one" this week, and we had a wonderful time celebrating!  Tim took a day off and we had a John-a-thon from morning until night...
John had been begging for a pellet (bb) gun for months.  He wanted to shoot targets and cans and such.  We kept alluding John, telling him that we weren't sure he was responsible enough for that kind of thing.  And then on the morning of his birthday, instead of finding a pellet gun, John found the first clue to a scavanger hunt which led him all around the house until he finally found the gift on our back deck...

 And there it was!  John's very first firearm...ish.  :)
John also received a super-cool walking stick and some spending $ from his awesome grandparent-types.  Thank you!!!

We spent the day at the Kannapolis pool.  The weather forecasters had been predicting storms, but it was sunny and not a drop of rain fell.  God must have wanted John to celebrate his birthday.  Praise the Lord!

And then we finished the day with a seafood feast at Captain D's.  You can probably tell that John was pretty wiped from all the sun and excitement by that time.  The perfect end to the perfect 11th birthday.

Happy Birthday Baby John!

1 comment:

  1. sure looks like you had an exciting birthday. Wishing you many more happy days Love you
