Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hiking the Smokies

Our family just returned from a wonderful few days away in the Great Smoky Mountains, where we enjoyed our kids' spring break and celebrated my 41st birthday.  Our activity of choice when we visit the Smokies is to hike, and this time we did something we've aspired to do for a long time: we hiked Chimney Tops!  Chimney Tops is the steepest hike in the Smokies and scales 1300 ft. in two miles.  I was grateful for good weather for the hike, and I was equally grateful for good Advil when I came back down the mountain.  Ha.

Yes, it is four days later...and yes, my calves still hurt.  :)

For those grandmother-types who are reading this post... don't worry.  We kept the kids safely off the rock summit at the top of the trail.  There was a nice shady spot under some trees where they rested and snacked while Tim and I explored the rocks.  And Tim was brave enough to make it higher up the rocks than I did!

Chimney Tops was undoubtedly the steepest trail we've ever done.  But the kids were amazing.  As much huffing and puffing as Tim and I did, the kids just walked and talked the whole way up.  And the kids didn't need any Advil after the hike. :D

Chimney Tops has been closed for 5 months for renovations.  Volunteers have been working with the National Park Service to build some steps in spots that are especially steep and prone to erosion.  The steps were really helpful, although one did feel like she was on a stair climber for the 2 hours it takes to climb to the top of the mountain.

Anna was extremely happy to find flowers along the trail.  Spring is wildflower season in the Smoky Mountains, and Anna LOVES pretty flowers!

Of course, Chimney Tops was not the only exploration we did in the Smoky Mountains this week.  There were all kinds of other fun adventures, as well....

"The mountains are calling and I must go." 
-John Muir

1 comment:

  1. Mike and I have walked a few of the trails but never chimney tops. We have seem them and have opted to pass on them. Proud of you all for achieving such a feat!!
