Saturday, December 27, 2014

Please Have Snow...And Mistletoe

I'm grateful that Tim and I  were able to spend a few days together with our parents before Christmas. We felt the warmth of hugs that come from those who love us, ate entirely too much food, and watched the children bathe in all the affection that comes from Nana and Papa and Mamaw and Papaw.  

But leaving my parents' house on Christmas Eve morning is tough.  Grateful that I might be for the time we've had, it always stings that just as everyone else is gathering together with their families, we always have to leave our families in West Virginia and head home. Nonetheless, Christmas Eve service in North Carolina cometh, and we must go. 

Lest I feel sorry for myself for having to leave the parents whom I love on Christmas Eve, I will remember Someone else who...during the very first Christmas season...left the Heavenly Parent whom He loved.

I bet that was tough, too.

And perhaps that difficult good-bye and sad drive back to North Carolina should remind me of why we even have Christmas at all: to celebrate the birth of the One who would forfeit the comforts and pleasures of Heaven so He could sacrifice himself for me...a sinner...that I might be able to enjoy the comforts and pleasures of Heaven someday, too.

Thanks to all our parents for accomodating us again this year in our pre-Christmas trip.  A big thanks to Mom and Dad and my brothers for moving your family Christmas celebration up to December 23rd... just so you could celebrate it with Tim and me and the kids. 

I wish I could upload the video of Dad reading Charlie Brown to Anna.  
(Unfortunately, the file is too big.)  
That will certainly be a treasured memory...

There has been only one Christmas -- the rest are anniversaries.
--W.J. Cameron


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