Saturday, October 11, 2014

So when John discovered that I had posted pictures on my blog of his brother playing basketball a few weeks ago, he wanted a shot at being famous, too...  at least as famous as one can get being on Mommy's blog.  So here's 10-year-old John with his awesome dunks, each of which I have chosen to appropriately name.

The "I Get By With A Little Help from My Door" Dunk:
 The "Monster" Dunk:
 The "Intimidator":
The "That Looks Painful" Dunk:
 The "Making It Look Easy" Dunk:
 The "Surprise" Dunk:
 The "Serious" Dunk: 
 The "Little Dunk That Could":
 The "Two-Handed Reverse" Dunk:

The "Epic Reach" Dunk:
The "Dominator":
And my personal favorite...
The "Jordan":

a.k.a. Mommy

1 comment:

  1. way to go John, you are lookin' good!!!
