Saturday, August 2, 2014

Congratulations To My Graduate!

This past week, our family was blessed to be able to attend Tim's graduation in Chattaooga.  Tim graduated from Covington Seminary with a Doctor of Ministry in Theology.  Going to this ceremony was special for us because when Tim graduated with a D. Min. from Liberty University back in 2007, our family was unable to attend the graduation.
I had always dreamt of seeing Tim get "hooded" and walking across the stage...

When Tim graduated with a Masters of Arts in Religion from Liberty in 2003, Christopher was just a baby and we took a picture of him wearing his dad's graduation cap.  So just for fun, we replicated the picture at this graduation.  Ha!

Below, Seminary President Sullivan addresses the graduates:
Tim and I were both moved by the number of students who were graduating with seminary degrees from Covington's extension campuses in Indonesia, Romania, and other countries.  One man from Myanmar actually had to have his daughter walk his homework papers and assignments across the border to another country and mail them to and from the seminary, because Christian mail is illegal in Myanmar. 
We had to keep this paper dry and unwrinkled until we could make it home to North Carolina and get it framed.  Hobby Lobby here we come!

On a personal note...

I want to tell you, Tim, how incredibly proud I am for the large amount of study you do.  Whether you're crafting a dissertation, writing a Sunday sermon, or preparing a VBS lesson, I can attest that you always find tremendous joy in learning God's Word better so you can share it with and change the lives of others...including the lives of me and the kids. 

Graduate of the Year.
Preacher of the Year.
Dad of the Year.

Luckiest Wife Ever,

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